Arkansas Bear Creek Goldens and Doodles

Arkansas Bear Creek Goldens and Doodles

Puppies for Sale in Arkansas

New Puppy? 4 Needs to Address on the First Day!

The perfect puppy for you

New Puppy? 4 Needs to Address on the First Day!

Table of Contents

It’s no wonderful puppies are in high demand; those adorable puppy eyes are almost impossible to ignore! 

But if you’re planning on adopting a new puppy, clearly understand their needs during the first 24 hours for the ultimate success!

BEFORE the Adoption!

  1. Remember to always do your research into dog breeds before you commit to adopting a new puppy! Consider K9 characteristics like size, shedding, personality and exercise requirements along with your lifestyle for the best possible fit.
  2. Use the checklist from our previous blog, “Adopting a New Puppy? Here’s Your Checklist” for the smoothest transition!
  3. Properly puppy-proof your home before the new arrival comes home.


The First Day with Your New Puppy

Make things easier by being prepared ahead of time, especially for the first 24 hours, when you bring home that new puppy! Keep reading below to get prepared!

Keep It Simple and Calm

Holly, an F1b Standard Aussiedoodle Puppy Laying on a Red Blanket

Holly, an F1b Standard Aussie-doodle Puppy Laying on a Red Blanket

  • Of course, bringing home a brand-new pup is an exciting time for the whole family! But don’t overwhelm him as he’s learning and adjusting to new people and home. By staying calm and gentle and closely supervising him, your young dog can stay out of trouble and avoid becoming fearful.
  • Let the puppy explore its new home, one room at a time. (Make sure you have completed all puppy-proofing to keep the curious pup safe.) Also introduce him to his personal, safe space.
  • Calmly introduce your puppy to one family member at a time.
  • Ask children to use quiet and calm voices and avoid any yelling or screaming.
  • Do not let children pick up the puppy or engage in rough play.
  • If you have another dog already in your home, leash both both dogs (to control the situation) and calmly introduce them outside your home on neutral ground if possible (to avoid territorial reactions).
  • If you have a resident cat, let them sniff each other through a closed door a few times before introducing them face-to-face.
  • Wait to introduce the young puppy to other:
    • Pets outside your home.
    • People outside your home


Video: How to Introduce Your Puppy to Other Dog(s)


Use a Collar and Leash

Put a collar on your new puppy and let him drag the attached leash as he explores so he can become familiar – and comfortable – with a collar and leash. Again, always supervise him to keep him safe.

Start Training Him to Recognize Your Voice and His Name

Murphy, an F1b Standard Aussiedoodle Puppy Laying on a Red Blanket

Murphy, an F1b Standard Aussiedoodle Puppy Laying on a Red Blanket

This skill will create the foundation of all future training. Start using your puppy’s new name right away so he begins to recognize your voice and his name. Remember to be patient as he learns!

Potty Breaks

  • This is one of the most crucial skills to begin teach your new puppy immediately!
  • Every half hour, take him outside to go potty even if he doesn’t do anything.
  • Take him to the same spot each time to keep it simple and easier for him to learn quickly.
  • Let him explore and sniff the area while giving him a verbal cue like “go potty.” (Always use the same command whatever it is.)
  • If he does do his business, praise him profusely along with a treat and some gentle petting to help him understand (and reinforce) that that’s the behavior you wanted!
  • Be patient as he learns what you want him to do and don’t punish him for accidents in the house. Remember, he’s learning to live in your world!


Puppy 101: The First 30 Days!


Paisley is an F1b Aussiedoodle sitting on a Red Blanket

Paisley, an F1b Standard Aussiedoodle Puppy Sitting on a Red Blanket



Don’t miss the second part of this blog post,4 Needs to Address on the First Night with Your New Puppy,” by subscribing to the right!






3 Female Goldendoodles Laying on a Red Blanket

3 Goldendoodles Laying on a Red Blanket

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